How to plan the perfect weekend

How to plan the perfect weekend

Every year we make birthday plans, each year grander than the previous. We know how tough it can be to come up with something that’s the perfect way to celebrate a special day like this – in fact, we’re not only talking about birthdays, we’re talking about all the special days in your life. For us, these special days sum up to one word – WEEKENDS!

Thank God for Fridays, right?  After working hard and long the entire week, all one needs is some peace and quiet with a hint of party and crazy for the weekend be it with your family, friends, loved ones or simply by yourself.

So what do you do? And where must you go?

A lot of people may find it tiring to drive all the way to the outskirts of Kolkata, besides these places are usually quite crowded!

But a big thanks to the brilliant minds that thought of the great idea to have a getaway just a few KMs from Kolkata. There are plenty of things you can do to make your weekend all the more Instagramable!

A lot of resorts can cater to these fabulous needs of yours! You can always opt for a relaxing massage to unwind and calm yourself. It’s literally pampering your senses. Spas always work wonders as they give you the rejuvenation your mind and body requires to be awesome.

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A good weekend is incomplete without a magnificent feast! As a Kolkatan you’d not want to be in any place where there is no food – we mean mouthwatering food. If food isn’t on your list – are you even living up to the weekend? Get yourself a resort where you’ll have a variety of food options to feast away.

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After you’re done with a delicious meal, what else could you ask for than a bit of quiet time by the pool? Just dip your feet in or splash around like a little child! We prefer to just laze around in the pool – and do absolutely nothing.

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There are plenty of resorts and country homes where you can check-in for weekend getaways or plan your private parties. Raichak on Ganges is one such ideal destination for your weekend splurging. You can avail a luxurious stay by the River side, indulge yourself in a cruise, unwind at the spa, dip your feet in the pool or even fine dine!


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