Integrated Townships for Sustainable Cities

Integrated Townships for Sustainable Cities

Cities are expanding fast. Urban population is rising even faster. And so are the demands for jobs and residential infrastructure. Going by their success stories the world over, Integrated Townships seem to be the template of the future when it comes to urban development.


What is an Integrated Township? It’s a well-planned, self-sustaining township with residential, commercial, medical, educational, retail, sports, and leisure spaces and facilities, supported by a well-designed infrastructure backbone of roads, electricity, water supply, drainage, sewage, and security surveillance put in place to create a modern, sustainable, urban living ecosystem.


How does it benefit the City, the Country and You? Read on to find out!


  1. A Tried and Tested Format, Proved Globally. From Dubai to Singapore, and closer home from Delhi NCR to Navi Mumbai, the concept of an Integrated Township has gained favour and approval from both the architects’ and developers’ communities as well as the administrative and governmental agencies. The reason is simple: it’s smart, it’s sustainable, and it’s super-convenient.

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  1. The Perfect Solution to Urbanisation Challenges. With growing industrialisation and modernisation, developing nations are increasingly witnessing expansion of urban boundaries. A steep rise in inter-and-intra-state migration is resulting in a soaring demand for residential spaces and social infrastructure. Integrated Townships address both.


  1. A Self-Sustained Solution to Urban Governance. The very model of Integrated Townships lends itself to a self-managed and self-sufficient urban living ecosystem. From wastewater treatment and water resource management systems to electric supply and efficient monitoring surveillance, these townships reduce the burden on local governing bodies on several fronts. Thus, they not only prove beneficial for the overall administration but also create a self-sustaining and thriving community of happy citizens.

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  1. A Township that Creates Jobs. Sustainable urban growth demands creation of enough employment opportunities not only for the residents but also for the peripheral population. As Integrated Townships aim to create ample social infrastructure to give birth to miniature cities, it naturally generates livelihood options in both the skilled and unskilled sectors. Since these townships are not just residential clusters but also the seat for enhanced business and commercial activities, the entire region surrounding any such township stands to gain from the jobs created as default.


  1. A Township that is Inclusive. With the Government of India stepping in and paving the path for incentivizing developers to design and build apartments for the not-so-privileged, spaces are also allotted for the economically weaker section. Hence an Integrated Township indeed turns into an inclusive, happy city that everyone can call their home.


  1. The Antidote to Unplanned Concrete Jungles. From the entry and exit points to open spaces and greenery, apartments to malls, markets, and more — every aspect of an Integrated Township is meticulously planned and designed for a seamless modern living experience. Hence, such townships prevent ad hoc mushrooming of unplanned, congested suburbs. A boon you can’t ignore!

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  1. A Catalyst for Economic Growth. The golden quadrilateral of urban growth consists of affordable housing, environmental sustainability and stability, ease of commerce and transportation, and the necessary ancillary infrastructure. These are the four pillars of sound economic growth and prosperity of any region. Integrated Townships score high on all of these four pointers, thus ensuring a healthy contribution towards the local economy.


  1. An Address for Happiness. With all its amenities and features, an Integrated Township is where happiness thrives. And after all, everyone deserves to be happy. Take for instance the Uttorayon Township — the first-of-its-kind urban living space in Siliguri conceptualised, managed, and marketed by Ambuja Neotia, which changed the way people lived in this part of the country. Up next, is Utsodhaara Teesta Township, an 81-acre integrated township in close proximity to the heart of Siliguri, that’s set to redefine quality living for generations to come!
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